This is an explainer video created to introduce Yieldstreet and the services their company provides. The creative was put together and produced by the folks over at Houses in Motion and is a combination of Stop-Motion, CGI, 2D Animation, and motion graphics. I had the opportunity to come in on the project as the Cinematographer for the stop motion animation section. It was a great time. Be sure to check out Houses in Motion here---->
They make awesome stuff!
Director/Producer - John Earle
Design - John Earle, Alex Trimpe
Art Dept - Junko Shimizu, Alice Langlois
Animation & Composition- Brad Walter, Alex Trimpe, Alice Langlois
Stop Motion Animation & Rigging - Maxwell Sorensen
Cinematographer - Daniel R Jusino

Maxwell on his block animation game.

Our handmade computers look amazing.

lighting set up for the Stop Motion section.