This is a behind the scenes featurette for, "Nanny" that I had the privilege of shooting alongside cinematographer Chandler Kauffmann for the Dolby Institute. During this piece writer/director Nikyatu Jusu goes in-depth on her debut film and discusses her love of elevated horror, the importance of soundscapes, and integrating West African themes into the film. After shooting our interviews, Dolby hosted a screening for folks to watch the film in Dolby 5.1 surround sound for the full experience. It was a lot of fun. I cut the 1 minute version seen above. You can watch the full 3:33 version below (which I did not cut).
Director/Producer - Chandler Kauffman 
2nd Cam Interview, Editor (1 min version) - Daniel R Jusino
 Gaffer - Jack Foster
 DIT - Dominick Pietrezak
 Production Sound - Dennis Haggerty
 PA - Nathaniel Gray

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